Pyrometers: Fast, non-contact temperature measurement

Temperature is a very important measurement parameter in industry, science and research. A high degree of precision is essential, which requires the use of infrared thermometers (also known as pyrometers). The combination of pyrometer and penetration thermometer allows the simultaneous measurement of surface and core temperature. The pyrometer offers the following features, among others:

  • Fast, non-contact measurement of surface temperatures
  • Easy measurement in places that are difficult to access
  • Precision technology for the most stringent requirements
  • Reliable temperature measuring instrument

Termometru de penetrare / infraroșu

Infrared thermometer
Pe lângă măsurarea în infraroșu a temperaturii de suprafață, măsoară și temperatura din interiorul produsului, folosind sonda de penetrare.

Termometru de penetrare cu infraroșu

Termometru de penetrare
Dispozitiv multifuncțional pentru măsurarea temperaturii suprafețelor și temperaturii interne. Ideal la recepția mărfurilor.

Cu sonde racordabile

Termometru de penetrare
Atunci când nu doriți doar măsurarea temperaturilor interne, ci și a temperaturilor suprafețelor și aerului.

Sondă de penetrare

Termometru pentru alimente
Selecție amplă de modele variate – sunt posibile și produse la comandă.


Measuring temperature with a pyrometer

The pyrometer is considered to be an optimally usable and versatile temperature measuring instrument. The parameters emissivity and distance or measurement spot must be taken into consideration. To ensure safe use of the pyrometers, Testo stores an emissivity table in each instrument, which can be used to quickly set the emissivities. In addition, the distance to the measuring object plays a role: to ensure accuracy, the person measuring must be far enough away that the entire extent of the measurement spot is lying on the measuring object. The further away you are from the measuring object, the larger the measurement spot will be.

It is also important to choose the right pyrometer. Here, you should ask yourself in advance what you need this type of temperature measuring instrument for. Is it sufficient to measure the surface temperature or is it also necessary to determine the core temperature? If it’s a case of the latter, then a combined pyrometer/penetration thermometer is the appropriate choice. It is also important as to whether the data is to be transferred to a mobile device. For example, Smart Probes offer the option of transmitting the measurement data from the respective measuring instrument to the Testo Smart App – either as a diagram or in tabular form.

The following aspects are also relevant when it comes to measuring temperature with a pyrometer:

  • Measurement spot (measuring range depends on the distance to the measuring object)
  • Ambient temperature
  • Surface to be measured - emissivity
  • Additional contact measurement necessary
iPhone thermometer

testo 805i – Termometru cu infraroșu

Infrared thermometer: Accurate measurement at a distance

Pyrometers are used for punctiform measurement via infrared. Temperatures of surfaces can be determined without contact. In many cases, it is important to identify individual temperature spots and to determine whether an object is heating or cooling. Even measurements at hard-to-reach locations or far away measuring points are no problem.

Laser in temperature measurement

Modern pyrometers have been designed to meet the most stringent requirements, and Testo’s many years of experience in the development of pyrometers are obvious. The innovative tools for measuring surface temperatures are ideal wherever temperatures cannot be measured by touching or determining the core temperature. The surface temperature measuring instrument, which is designated an infrared thermometer, measures quickly, effectively and accurately.
Temperature measuring strip

Laser thermometers: Pyrometers for the toughest applications

Temperature measuring strips are not used in all areas of everyday life or of trade and industry. Application of the strips is quite simple: They are simply stuck onto the object to be measured and they change their colour depending on the influence of the surface temperature.

They are available in various designs and are suitable for a wide range of applications. Nevertheless, pyrometers, which provide exact measurement results with non-contact temperature measurement thanks to their innovative technology, are much more widely used.

Descărcare: poster informativ

Temperature measurement
Măsurarea corectă a temperaturii alimentelor cu termometre cu infraroșu

Temperature measuring instrument: For use with a smartphone

Is there really such a thing as a temperature measuring instrument that carries out accurate measurements and also offers the option of transferring the data to a smartphone? There certainly is, because Testo has been offering this kind of measuring technology for a long time. Various thermometers and measuring instruments for other values can be used in the form of a Smart Probes kit.

The measured values are transferred to the app on the smartphone so that the data can be viewed and evaluated at any time. Thermal imagers are also used as pyrometers and detect cold bridges, just like they examine mechanical systems and electrical switch cabinets for heat sources.



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