Air velocity measurement in ducts and at outlets

Air-conditioning and ventilation systems only truly function efficiently when air or volume flows in ducts and at outlets meet the specifications. With the versatile testo 440 kits, you can now take care of both measuring tasks more conveniently.
  • Intuitive measurement menus
    Clearly structured menus for volume flow in ducts and at outlets, K factor and Pitot tube measurement are programmed into the measuring instrument.
  • Convenient measurement
    Telescopes with easy-to-read scaling make it really convenient to work in ducts.
    They can also optionally be extended up to 2 m.
  • Versatile accessories
    Use the telescope to reach ceiling outlets with ease. The funnels are perfect for plate outlets.
    Use the air flow straightener to measure turbulent flows with precision.
  • Intelligent calibration concept
    Only the probe heads need to be calibrated. You can carry on working with the measuring instrument, handle and another probe.

Stay in control of any air velocity measurement

  • Measurements in ducts: precision in any cross-section
  • Measurements at outlets: achieve the ideal climate in next to no time
  • Measurement of turbulent air flows: no task is too challenging

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궁금한 점이 있으신가요? 친절하게 답변 도와 드리겠습니다.

Kits for carrying out measurements in ducts and at outlets

testo 440 Air Flow
ComboKit 1 with Bluetooth

testo 440 Air Flow ComboKit 1 with Bluetooth
To the kit
  • testo 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument
  • 100 mm vane probe with Bluetooth, including temperature sensor
  • Hot wire probe with telescope including temperature sensor, wired 
  • Menu for volume flow, etc.
  • Combi-case for testo 440 and multiple probes

testo 440 Air Flow
ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth

testo 440 Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth
To the kit
  • testo 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument
  • 100 mm vane probe with Bluetooth, including temperature sensor
  • 16 mm vane probe with telescope, wired 
  • Menu for volume flow, etc.
  • Combi-case for testo 440 and multiple probes

testo 440 delta P Air Flow
ComboKit 1 with Bluetooth

testo 440 delta P Air Flow ComboKit 1 with Bluetooth
To the kit
  • testo 440 dP air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument including differential pressure
  • Universal probe handle with Bluetooth
  • Hot wire probe head incl. temperature and humidity sensor
  • 100 mm vane probe head including temperature sensor
  • Telescope and 90° angle compatible with both probes
  • Combi-case for testo 440 dP and multiple probes


testo 440 delta P Air Flow
ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth

testo 440 delta P Air Flow ComboKit 2 with Bluetooth
To the kit
  • testo 440 dP air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument including differential pressure
  • Universal probe handle with Bluetooth
  • 16 mm vane probe head
  • 100 mm vane probe head including temperature sensor
  • Humidity probe head including temperature sensor
  • Telescope and 90° angle for both probes
  • Combi-case for testo 440 dP and multiple probes

Other kits and versatile accessories for air velocity measurements

testo 440 Hot Wire Kit

testo 440 Hot Wire Kit
To the kit
  • testo 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument
  • Hot wire probe including temperature sensor, wired and with telescope
  • Menu for volume flow, etc. along with timed and multi-point mean calculation
  • Basic case for testo 440 and 1 probe

testo 440 16 mm Vane Kit

testo 16 mm Vane Kit
To the kit
  • testo 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument
  • Vane probe, wired and with telescope
  • Measurement menu for volume flow, etc. along with timed and multi-point mean calculation
  • Basic case for testo 440 and 1 probe

testo 440 100 mm Vane Kit
with Bluetooth

testo 440 100 mm Vane Kit with Bluetooth
To the kit
  • testo 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument
  • 100 mm vane probe with Bluetooth, including temperature sensor
  • Measurement menu for volume flow, etc.
  • Basic case for testo 440 and 1 probe

Accessories for outlet measurements

Telescopes, funnels and flow straighteners from Testo


Convenient at outlets:

Reliable at plate outlets:

Accurate in turbulent air flows:

이해하기 쉬운 메뉴 구성

풍량, K-팩터, 난류도, 냉난방 배출구, 결로 지점 안내, 저장 모드 등 측정 메뉴를 정확하게 표시해줘 누구나 쉽게 측정 업무를 수행할 수 있습니다.

Flexible: modular probes for every application

A handle can be universally combined with all probe heads and attachments in the testo 440 probe system. So it only takes you seconds to switch from measuring the indoor air quality to determining the volume flow.

다양한 프로브 지원

어떤 환경에서 측정을 수행하시나요? 프로브 비교표를 다운로드 받아보세요. testo 440의 모든 프로브 포트폴리오를 확인할 수 있습니다.

덕트 내 풍속 측정을 위한 팁과 요령

다음과 같은 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다:

  • 적용분야에 따른 최적의 프로브 선택
  • DIN EN 12599에 따른 정확한 테스트 측정
  • 측정 오류를 줄이고 확인하기 위한 방법