Measuring instruments from Testo: News


New Products

Electrical measuring instruments

Electrical measurement instruments

Unique technologies - easier and more reliable than ever before.

testo Smart Probes

testo smart probes
Smartphone. Smart Probes. Smart work.

Flue gas analyser testo 330i

testo 330i

The new freedom in flue gas measurement.

Product highlights

WiFi data logger testo Saveris 2: Temperature and humidity monitoring

testo saveris 2
All measurement data. Always available. On any device.

Multi-function measuring instrument testo 480: VAC grid and comfort measurement

Digital temperature, humidity and air flow meter testo 480

With complete probe range.

Data logger system testo Saveris: Temperature and humidity monitoring

Temperature monitoring with the testo Saveris data logger system
Easy, secure and efficient measurement data montoring.

Cooking oil tester testo 270

testo 270
Intuitive. Robust. Safe.

Volume flow hood testo 420

Volume flow hood testo 420

Impressively light. Fast set-up. Convenient operation.

The new thermal imagers  from Testo.
The right model for every requirement.
The Testo bestsellers
Field-tested and popular with the pros.