Temperature measuring instrument

Merilni instrumenti za temperaturo in termometri

  • odporno konstrukcijo
  • visoko natančno senzorsko tehnologijo
  • široko izbiro sond – tudi proizvode po meri
  • umerjanje in servisiranje s strani določenega ponudnika storitev

Kje bi radi izmerili temperaturo?

Zagotovo ne obstaja pomembnejši merilni parameter, kot je temperatura. Z njo smo soočeni vsakodnevno in večina ljudi ima individualne preference glede tega, kaj je prava temperatura v posebnih situacijah. In pravzaprav se v tem skriva največja težava: ljudje le občutijo temperaturo. Merilni instrumenti za temperaturo se morajo namreč uporabljati za objektivne in primerljive rezultate. Odvisno od določene uporabe, najdete pri Testo različne termometre, merilnike temperature ali digitalne termometre.

A Testo temperature meter offers you the following

  • odporno konstrukcijo, tudi za težavno praktično uporabo,
  • visoko natančno senzorsko tehnologijo za zanesljive in natančne merilne rezultate,
  • široko izbiro sond za vaš merilnik temperature - tudi proizvode po meri,
  • umerjanje in servisiranje s strani določenega ponudnika storitev.

Merilni instrumenti za merjenje temperature

Infrardeči termometer

Merilni instrumenti za temperaturo

Zanesljivo in natančno brezkontaktno daljinsko merjenje temperature.

Merilni instrumenti za površinsko temperaturo

Digitalni termometer
Merilni instrumenti za temperaturo s stalnimi ali zamenljivimi sondami za površinsko temperaturo.

Merilni instrumenti za zračno temperaturo

Merjenje temperature

Natančni merilnik temperature za zračno temperaturo.

Vbodni termometer

Merilnik temperature Testo

Meri temperaturo v trdnih in poltrdnih medijih.

Potopni termometer

Merilni instrumenti Testo
Za merjenje temperature v tekočinah. Lahko se uporablja tudi v agresivnih sredstvih.

Trakovi za merjenje temperature

Trakovi za merjenje temperature

Zelo ekonomična alternativa merilniku temperature.

Termične kamere

Nadzorovanje temperature
Vizualizira temperaturo. Idealne za vzdrževanje, v gradbenem sektorju in pri ogrevalnih sistemih.

Zapisovalnik podatkov o temperaturi

Zapisovalnik podatkov o temperaturi

Praktični pripomočki za spremljanje temperature.

Kje bi radi izmerili temperaturo?

Kako nas kontaktirate

Imate kakršnakoli vprašanja?
Z veseljem vam pomagamo.

Merilni instrumenti za temperaturo v uporabi

Merilnih instrumentov za temperaturo

Področja uporabe merilnikov temperature, digitalnih termometrov in merilnih instrumentov za temperaturo so različna. Navajamo samo najpomembnejša:

  • nenapovedani pregledi hrane,
  • nadzorovanje temperature pri prevozu hrane,
  • merjenje temperature v središču pretoka dimnih plinov v dimnikih/kanalih dimnih plinov,
  • merjenje različnih temperatur zraka,
  • površinsko merjenje zaradi preverjanja temperature pred segrevanjem pri varjenju,
  • potopno merjenje v kemičnih raztopinah zaradi ohranjanja temperature med postopkom jedkanja ter
  • površinsko merjenje na ležajih in mehanskih pogonih v strojništvu.

Termometri, ki jih upravljamo prek pametnega telefona

Termometri, ki jih upravljamo prek pametnega telefona
Thermometer operated by smartphone
  • testo Smart Probes VAC kit testo Smart Probes VAC Kit delivery

    testo Smart Probes VAC kit

    Order-Nr. 0563 0003 10

    • Measurement of air and surface temperature, humidity, air velocity and volume flow
    • Measurement menus for volume flow measurement in ducts and at outlets, identification of mould risk, easy image documentation including IR temperature reading and measurement spot marking

Compact measuring instruments for your smartphone

Our all-rounders for all important measuring tasks. Members of the Smart Probes family are not just temperature measuring instruments. These innovations also include pressure and flow meters, all fully operated via the testo Smart App.

The testo Smart Probes VAC kit enables you to measure temperature, speed and air humidity, as well as to calculate volume flows. Ideal for air conditioning and ventilation systems.

Tips and tricks for temperature measurement and monitoring

Tips and tricks for temperature measurement

A temperature meter in itself means you have already taken the first step. However, you need to bear a few things in mind for really efficient and precise temperature measurement.

Temperature measurement in liquids

With your temperature measuring instrument, choose a probe immersion depth of 10 to 15 times the probe diameter. This reduces measurement errors. In addition, it helps the accuracy of the measurement result if you keep the liquid moving during the measurement.

Surface measurement

In this case, the probe head is placed vertically onto the surface. Here it is important to ensure that neither the contact surface of the probe head nor the measurement object are uneven, as this can falsify the measurement.

Air measurement with a digital thermometer

When measuring moving air with a temperature meter, the measurement probe is simply introduced into the environment being measured. Due to its special design, the air probe has a very short response time. The measurement result can be improved by moving the probe through the air at 2 – 3 m/s during the measurement.

More measuring instruments from Testo

More measuring instruments from Testo

Record temperatures

There are applications where a temperature meter is not enough. For instance, when it is a case of monitoring temperatures over the long term and reliably recording the readings. This is where temperature data loggers are used. The small aids are ideally suited for temperature monitoring, making work a little bit easier every day for quality managers and facility managers all over the world.


When you need to integrate temperature readings seamlessly into automated building services, then it is temperature transmitters that are required. First of all, they measure the temperature, just like a temperature meter – however, they then convert the measuring values into a standardized electrical signal which can be further processed to control specific procedures.

Measure surface temperatures

In the broad spectrum of temperature measurement, particularly high importance is attached to surface temperature measurement. Because it is not just in industry, trade or facility management that a surface temperature measuring instrument is used. The food industry is also – and above all – the sector where this measurement method is one of the most common. In the end, spot checks on the quality of food can be carried out quickly and reliably using surface temperature measurement. And precise measurement of the surface temperature often makes laborious measurement of the core temperature superfluous.