


  • 温度控制的量程范围 +37°C ~ +280°C
  • 三种款式,适用于小型到极小型快速移动测量物体
  • 在 +29°C ~ +150°C范围内,测量精度高达±1.5°C
  • 从150°C的温度开始,测量精度为相应温度值的+1%
  • 高效率和测量精度,实惠的价格


  1. 温度贴,具有针对小型移动部件和长期测量的范围
  1. 针对极小物体的测量范围微型指示器
  1. 最大值测量点,极短的响应时间

条形温度贴 +37℃~ +260℃


单温度贴(+65℃ ~ +121℃)

5种可供选择量程范,响应时间:2-3 秒




Measuring points

Optimum use of temperature measuring strips

Testo's temperature stickers are more and more frequently used for temperature control – for example in the electrical industry, automotive engineering, research and aerospace technology. Because their efficiency is unbeatable when tasks such as preventive maintenance, quality assurance or proof of warranty abuse are involved. You will find out about important background elements and application tips for professional temperature control with measuring strips here.

How to contact us.

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We would be more than happy to help you.


Correct use of measuring strips: practical tips

Thermometer strips are ideal for efficient temperature control. They are easy to use and provide very reliable results.
Your temperature control will become even more precise if you take the following tips into account:
  1. Make sure that surfaces and measurement parts are clean and dry.
  2. 3. Temperature stickers should be stored in a cool place: the ideal range is between 6 and 10°C. The storage temperature should not exceed 25°C.
  1. No air bubbles should be formed when the measuring strips are bonded.
  2. Do not store thermometer strips for too long. Measuring strips up to 65°C can be kept for a maximum of 9 months, measuring strips of 65°C and above have a considerably longer shelf life of 12 – 24 months.

How do Testo's thermometer strips work?

Although there are sophisticated chemical processes behind the way measuring strips work, they are in principle very simply designed. Temperature-sensitive elements are located under a transparent protective layer. These are the so-called phase-transforming indicators. The temperature measuring strips themselves consist of different mixtures of chemicals, which are produced on special absorptive paper substrates.

If the pre-defined temperatures are reached, the chemical melts and is absorbed by the substrate. The chemical reaction is shown by the change of colour. Important: the colour that develops is irreversible, because the chemical reaction can only occur once. Further temperature fluctuations no longer have any influence on the colour. Perfect temperature control guaranteed!

Temperature control with colour codes

There are heat-sensitive elements in the thermometer strips, mini indicators and measuring points. Chemical reactions are triggered at defined temperatures and these are shown as a change of colour: the original silver or gold-coloured temperature surface changes to grey through to black.

Documenting measurements: our temperature stickers can cope with this too

You can also deal with temperature control with virtually no effort using our measuring strips. Because you can remove the used measuring strips with the temperature information from the surface of the measurement object again without any problem. As the adhesive surface is reusable, you then simply attach the measuring strips to your inspection report or the temperature documentation.

Measuring strips from Testo – keep going as long as you want

Measuring strips that have been attached properly (without any bubbles) adhere firmly and reliably to the measurement object. They do not come off even when confronted with substances such as oil, petrol, solvents or water. They can only be taken off manually. For instance, if you remove the measuring strips by hand in order to stick them into your documentation.

Measuring without measuring strips: using measuring instruments from Testo

Thermometer strips are extremely efficient. However, they are not suitable for numerous tasks in classic temperature control, e.g. in heating engineering and air conditioning technology or in cleanrooms. For this, Testo offers you a wide range of high-precision temperature measuring instruments. Precisely tailored to our customers' requirements, and therefore field tested a million times. You can get an overview here:

Temperature control

Surface temperature measurement

Testo offers a variety of solutions for measuring surface temperature. Depending on the application, a surface temperature meter with a special measuring head is ideal for you. Thermography is enjoying increasing popularity. Temperature measurement with thermal imagers is particularly convenient to use and highly precise. The attractive price-performance ratio of the Testo thermal imagers is impressive here. Testo's infrared thermometers are ideal for measuring the temperature of poor thermal conductors, such as ceramic or rubber, as well as fast moving or critical objects. Non-contact, high-precision and lightning fast.

Long-term measurement with the temperature data logger

Our temperature data loggers have been proving their worth in terms of measuring the temperature and humidity of goods in transit since as early as 2007.

Measuring in liquids

Testo's immersion thermometers are not only indispensable for measuring the temperature of liquids. They are at the same time penetration thermometers and can even measure the air temperature precisely.

Temperature measurement goes smart

Are you looking for a temperature measuring instrument that gets by without a handheld instrument? Then we recommend you use the innovative Testo Smart Probes. Smart Probes combine high-precision measurement with the advantages of the smart new world. Because the values measured by the temperature probe are wirelessly transmitted to your own handheld measuring instrument: your smartphone or tablet. And, thanks to the testo Smart Probes App, not only displayed, but also stored, documented, sent – whatever you want.