Smartphone hygrometers from Testo

The testo 605i operated by smartphone and featuring a bendable probe head offers compact professional measuring technology for smart humidity measurements in rooms and ducts. Depending on the application, it is also available in a handy kit with other measuring instruments from the testo Smart Probes range.

We recommend this smartphone hygrometer

testo 605i – thermohygrometer operated by smartphone

Higrômetro para iPhone

testo 605i –Higrômetro térmico operável pelo smartphone

Para medição da temperatura do ar e da umidade em recintos fechados e em canais

  • NOVIDADE! alcance de Bluetooth® até 100 m, sonda dobrável a 90º e ímã para prender em peças metálicas

We recommend these Smart Probes kits with smartphone hygrometers

testo Smart Probes VAC kit

testo Smart Probes
Mould kit

testo Smart Probes – refrigeration kit plus

Overview of all Smart Probes and Smart Probes kits