Měření teploty: Moderní měřicí přístroje pro každou oblast

V měřicí technice se sotva jakákoliv jiná hodnota měří tak často jako teplota. Tento parametr měření však lze objektivně určit, pouze pokud je k dispozici přístroj pro měření teploty vhodný pro příslušnou aplikaci. Na zařízeních a strojích lze teploty měřit pouze teploměrem; ruční odběr vzorků by byl příliš riskantní a zejména nedostatečně smysluplný. Různé teploměry, které zobrazují teplotu ve stupních Celsia, Kelvina nebo Fahrenheita, jsou k dispozici od Testo. Ty měří pomocí extrémně citlivých senzorů a zobrazují výsledky měření digitálně.

Teploměry Testo nabízejí následující výhody:

  • Přesná měření a jasná prezentace dat
  • Možnost zobrazení v různých jednotkách (Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit)
  • Senzory s vysokou citlivostí
  • Různé teplotní sondy
  • Různé typy teploměrů pro každý účel

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Měřicí přístroje pro měření teploty

Infračervený teploměr

Přístroje pro měření teploty

Měří teploty bezpečně a přesně, bezdotykově ze vzdálenosti.

Měřicí přístroje pro měření povrchové teploty

Digitální teploměry
Přístroje pro měření teploty s pevnými nebo vyměnitelnými čidly pro měření povrchových teplot.

Air temperature measuring instruments

Temperature measurement

Precise temperature meter for air temperatures.

Penetration thermometer

Testo temperature meter

Measure temperatures in solid or semi-solid media.

Immersion thermometer

Testo measuring instruments

For temperature measurement in liquids. Can also be used in aggressive media.

Temperature measuring strips

Temperature measuring strips

The really economical alternative to the temperature meter.

Thermal imagers

Temperature monitoring

Visualize temperatures. Ideal for maintenance, the building trade and heating engineering.

Temperature data logger

Temperature data logger

Practical aids for temperature monitoring.

Where do you want to measure temperature?

Temperature measuring instrument: Can handle measurements in all media

Temperature meter

While in the private sector only the room temperature is usually continually monitored or a weather station displays the outside temperatures as well, in the industrial, food technology or scientific sectors other temperatures are measured and evaluated. Here, it must be possible to measure the temperatures in different media. This means that it needs to be determined in gaseous, solid and semi-solid or viscoplastic media. Immersion probes are used for measuring the temperature in liquid materials. These measure temperatures in neutral solutions such as water, as well as in other media. If you wish to be particularly economical, opt for temperature measuring strips, which indicate the temperature change on a scale. The infrared camera for temperature measurement is particularly helpful in building technology or for the maintenance and repair of machines and systems. This indicates different heat ranges and is also called a thermal imager. With its sensors, it makes use of thermographic findings and displays even the smallest temperature differences. The following areas also rely on efficient temperature measurement, the results of which can be displayed digitally and evaluated thanks to the Smart Probes app:

  • Inspection of food and compliance with the cold chain
  • Monitoring refrigerated transportation
  • Temperature measurement on surfaces
  • Measurement of centres of flow in flue gas pipes and chimneys
  • Temperature measurement to control the heating function

Temperature measurement: Instruments that can handle data recording

Measuring temperature is just one part of working with the temperature parameter. It is important to store and evaluate the collected data, to share it with other team members or maintenance engineers if necessary. This is where the temperature data loggers come in, which have been designed precisely for this purpose. These instruments are ideally suited for the long-term monitoring of temperatures. These record the temperatures, but there is also a focus on humidity data, depending on the data logger. Data loggers are used in catering, as well as in the food sector, in pharmacy and in the storage rooms of clinics and pharmacies.

In short: Wherever temperature plays an important role and needs to be monitored over the long term, modern data loggers such as Testo's instruments are in demand.

Temperature measurement

Thermometers: Differences between measuring instruments

Temperature measurement can be carried out using a variety of thermometers and probes, the choice of which depends on the required application. A surface temperature probe is particularly suitable for measuring surface temperatures on different media. A penetration probe is used, among other things, in the preparation of food or other semi-solid media, and the associated necessary monitoring of the core temperature. Infrared thermometers measure without contact, and also over longer distances, so you can still measure barely accessible machines or locations accurately. Interchangeable probes allow you to use a thermometer for different media and to measure the temperature in these.

Digital thermometers: Precise display of readings

Digital thermometers prove extremely practical for temperature measurement on a daily basis thanks to their large display. The advantages offered by this type of temperature measuring instrument include the following:

  • Large, easy-to-read display
  • Illuminated display for working in twilight and darkness
  • Auto-Hold function

State-of-the-art measuring instruments

With the Smart Probes, Testo offers temperature measurement that is cutting-edge. The temperature data is measured and stored via smartphone thermometer. The values can be transferred to the app via Bluetooth, which incidentally is free to use. With the aid of the app, an evaluation of the temperature measurement takes place, whereby the collected data can be presented in table or diagram form. Thus, changes can be seen straight away and immediate action can be taken if needed. In addition to the temperature measurement, the Smart Probes app enables other data such as pressure or humidity information to be collected. A total of eight measuring instruments are available, whose measured data can be forwarded to the app. Testo therefore offers all heating, refrigeration and air-conditioning technicians cutting-edge tools, facilitating efficient working methods in every company in these sectors.

Testo temperature measuring instrument