Le testeur d’huile de friture testo 270 – car chaque goutte est précieuse

Frites, chicken nuggets ou donuts : les aliments frits ont bon goût et sont très appréciés dans le monde entier. Pour garantir une qualité constante des aliments frits, le changement régulier de l’huile de friture est indispensable. Mais attention : si l’huile est changée trop tard, elle sera déjà contaminée par des produits de décomposition qui affectent la saveur. En revanche, un changement d’huile précoce pèse sur le coût, notamment en cette période de flambée des prix des huiles végétales.

Le testeur d’huile de friture testo 270 vous permet de déterminer la qualité de l’huile de friture par une simple mesure – et donc le moment idéal pour le changement d’huile. Ainsi, vous pouvez économiser de l’huile et des frais tout en assurant un bon goût de friture constant.

Atouts du testeur d’huile de friture testo 270

  • Alarme intuitive selon le principe du feu de signalisation par l’éclairage couleur de l’afficheur
  • Conception ergonomique pour une manipulation sûre (distance suffisante de l’huile chaude)
  • Lavable sous l’eau courante
  • Certifié selon HACCP International, NSF et BVLK

Calculer maintenant le potentiel d’économies

L’utilisation d’un appareil de mesure de l’huile de friture se rentabilise rapidement : le calculateur d’huile de friture de Testo vous montre en quelques clics les économies individuelles que vous pourrez réaliser.

Le testeur d'huile de friture testo 270

Testeur d'huile de friture
Un testeur d’huile de friture pour toutes vos exigences : intuitif, rapide et robuste.


Accessoires indispensables pour votre instrument de mesure. Soyez entièrement équipé!

Whitepaper « Gestion de l’huile de friture »

Testo Whitepaper Gestion de l’huile de friture
Quelles sont les raisons de la hausse globale des prix des huiles végétales ? Quelles mesures les entreprises alimentaires peuvent-elles prendre ? Les expertes et experts de Testo expliquent les raisons et les solutions dans le Whitepaper gratuit.

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Practical guide to Cooking oil measurement

Testo practical guide cooking oil measurement
Tips, tricks and practical advice on the use of testo 270 in practice. Get the free practical guide cooking oil measurement.

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The right frying oil test

In contrast to a cooking oil test strip, measurement using a cooking oil tester is more intuitive and reliable, above all providing reproducible, comparable measuring values. A dye is applied to a cooking oil test strip and this changes colour accordingly in contact with the oil. Comparison with a table enables you to know how the quality of the oil is doing. However, because cooking oil strips measure the free fatty acid content and this varies during frying, caution must be exercised here.

How do I test frying oil with the testo 270?

The frying oil test is extremely easy with the testo 270 cooking oil tester:

  • Remove the fried product and wait until there are no more bubbles visible in the oil.
  • Switch on the cooking oil tester.
  • Immerse the cooking oil tester in the hot oil and measure.
  • Read off the TPM value - job done.

Measurement with the testo 270 cooking oil tester

Cooking oil tester

You can achieve better measurements and consistently precise measuring values with the testo 270. This is how it works: as soon as the fried product has been taken out and there are no more bubbles rising in the oil, you know there is no longer any water contained in it and the measurement can begin. Both water and any fried products would falsify the measurement. First, pay attention to the immersion depth. This is ideally between the min. and max. markings on the probe. Just like when checking the oil level for a car. A minimum distance of 1 cm should be adhered to between the probe and any metal components of the deep fat fryer. Small circular movements in the oil make the frying oil test quicker.

When you use the testo 270 frying oil measuring device in the Auto-Hold mode, the display flashes until the measurement is completed. As soon as the display stops flashing, it shows the Total Polar Materials component. Interpretation of the value is particularly easy thanks to the background illumination of the display:

  • Green (less than 20% TPM): all OK
  • Orange (between 20 and 24%): the oil is still OK. However, you should think about replacing it.
  • Red (more than 24% TPM): the oil must be replaced
Incidentally, cooking oil develops its best potential between 14% and 20% TPM: the oil is safe and the fried products taste particularly good.

How long does cooking oil remain good?

That always depends on which oil you use and how often you fry. However, to be on the safe side, regular measurement with a cooking oil tester is recommended. The instrument enables a frying oil test to be carried out quickly and you can fry with a clear conscience. Depending on the utilization of the deep fat fryer, it may be advisable to measure the quality on a daily basis at first and then to extend the intervals.

Save cooking oil

Regular measurement with the testo 270 prevents the cooking oil from being replaced too early or too late – this can reduce your cooking oil consumption by up to 20%, thus saving costs.

pH meters

pH meters

pH meters for food

There is a direct correlation between the pH value of a food and the growth of microorganisms. Rule of thumb: the lower the pH value, the harder it is for germs to multiply.

With bakery products, a pH meter can provide valuable services in terms of assessing quality and consistency.

However, the pH value is crucial for raw and cooked meats: taste, colour, tenderness and shelf life are vitally dependent on this.