Ensuring the quality of drugs and vaccines

Reference Scheffel-Apotheke

In order to ensure the quality of drugs, vaccines or other pharmaceutical products according to the guidelines, special attention must be paid to their storage temperature.

In the video below, learn how the Scheffel-Apotheke Pharmacy from southern Germany guarantees the quality of their pharmaceuticals and adheres to the required guidelines.


 testo Saveris 2 wireless data logger system

  • With the testo Saveris 2 wireless data logger system, you monitor temperature securely and automatically with minimal effort
testo Saveris 2

Scheffel-Apotheke says yes to testo Saveris 2

Scheffel-Pharmacie and testo Saveris 2

 Owner and pharmacist

Dr. med. Frank Siefert

  • For years, has successfully relied on the wireless data logger system
    testo Saveris 2:
  • "I must stress that I urge my colleagues to use the system, and can unreservedly recommend it. I’m very happy with it."