Temperature measuring points

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6 products or recommendations for Temperature measuring points
  • testoterm measuring points

    testoterm - Measuring points (+82 °C)

    Order-Nr. 0646 1082

    incl. GST  $56.10
    • Temperature point +82 °C
    • Self-adhesive measuring points for checking the temperature to a specific maximum temperature
  • testoterm measuring points

    testoterm - Measuring points (+71 °C)

    Order-Nr. 0646 1071

    incl. GST  $56.10
    • Temperature point +71 °C
    • Self-adhesive measuring points for checking the temperature to a specific maximum temperature
  • testoterm measuring points

    testoterm - Measuring points (+121 °C)

    Order-Nr. 0646 1121

    incl. GST  $56.10
    • Temperature point +121 °C
    • Self-adhesive measuring points for checking the temperature to a specific maximum temperature
  • testoterm measuring points

    testoterm - Measuring points (+65 °C)

    Order-Nr. 0646 1065

    incl. GST  $56.10
    • Temperature point +65  °C
    • Self-adhesive measuring points for checking the temperature to a specific maximum temperature
  • testoterm measuring points

    testoterm - Measuring points (+110 °C)

    Order-Nr. 0646 1110

    incl. GST  $56.10
    • Temperature point +110 °C
    • Self-adhesive measuring points for checking the temperature to a specific maximum temperature
  • testoterm measuring points

    testoterm - Measuring points (+77 °C)

    Order-Nr. 0646 1077

    incl. GST  $56.10
    • Temperature point +77 °C
    • Colour change within 2 to 3 seconds if limit value is exceeded
6 results found