The software: more than a digital quality handbook

The software is the heart of the quality management system, testo Saveris Restaurant.

With it, you 100% digitally control all measurements, store your quality handbooks, carry out any necessary updates, and roll out company-wide at the touch of a button.

You can then control and document all quality-relevant measurement points and processes in one place. And thanks to alarms and stored correction measures, the responsible people can, in cases of limit value violations, immediately intervene according to quality assurance protocol.

100% Digital Quality Management

testo Saveris Restaurant digitizes your quality handbooks

With testo Saveris Restaurant all quality handbooks are kept digitally, meaning any updates are consistant across the board.

Adapt digital quality handbook

Software testo Saveris Restaurant

The quality handbook can be rolled out or updated worldwide at the touch of a button, and can also be individually adapted to each restaurant if necessary. This means all connected restaurants are always up to date, and receive only relevant controls.

Quality assurance, for your peace of mind

The testo Saveris Restaurant software

Restaurant-specific analysis and reporting functions ensure that processes and limit values are correctly monitored, making it easy check and prove all quality measures have been taken.

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